Actors Who Starred in Beach Movies

Sea, Palm, HD Tropical Wallpapers

Summertime typically entails two activities: relaxing on the beach and watching a movie in a cool theater. However, there are some films, such as beach movies, that let you do both at once. These movies can be great white fright flicks, giddy beach blanket romps, Coppertone-kissed surfing safaris, or swoony moonlit romances. … Read more

Movie Beaches You Can Visit

Cannon Beach in Oregon

The beach has been one of the most popular tourist spots for more than one hundred years, and its popularity is usually attributed to its relaxing and calming waters and sands, as well as its natural beauty. While almost all beaches have equal popularity, there are a few of them that are … Read more

Best Beach Movies

Beach Movies

Some of the most memorable scenes in Hollywood are surrounded by beaches. Like a lot of people, Hollywood has been drawn to beautiful beaches for decades. Check out our list of the best beach movies (in no particular order): A good enough mix of surfing, personal dreams, and romance, Blue Crush stars … Read more